The Opinion Makers
the brand new 1960’s comedy musical!
By Brian Mitchell & Joseph Nixon
Hear a selection of edited highlights from the score here: The Opinion Makers – Taster
Audience Comments for The Opinion Makers
When world-famous cure-all ‘Dr. Campbell’s Lotion’ gets a rebrand, all hell breaks loose. And the chaos and corruption go right to the top.
Set in swinging 60’s London, this comedy musical, a hilarious satire with ‘Great songs and very funny lines….’ (Colchester Gazette), comes to the Eastbourne, Brighton and Adur festivals in a zinging new production starring The Maydays’ Heather Urquhart (Best Female Performer – Brighton Festival Awards 2013) and ‘Count Arthur Strong’s Radio Show’ regular David Mounfield.
Written by the award-winning duo Mitchell & Nixon, who scored popular hits with Those Magnficient Men and Big Daddy Vs. Giant Haystacks, and with a great cast including Emma Kilbey (‘Sid Lester’s Christmas Singalong’), ‘Treason Show’ regular Christophe Phillips, and Lloyd Ryan-Thomas (Drunken Masks); music direction by Stephen Wrigley (Brighton Beach Boys and Lost and Found Orchestra); and international musicians Andy Smith and Dave Miller-Barnard on keyboards and double bass, ‘The Opinion Makers’ promises a night of incisive humour, infectious fun and memorable melodies not to be missed.‘Sublime heights of ridiculousness’ – Public Reviews
‘Leaves the audience physically crying with laughter’ – Colchester Gazette
For more details contact:
Nick Green
Tel: 07734 604269